Home is Where the Truth is.

Providing facts and encouragement for parents to take
control of their child’s education and faith formation.

Home is Where the Truth is.

Providing facts and encouragement for parents to take control of their child’s education and faith formation.

You’re fed up with sending your child to school, you know there must be a better way. Although they’re being indoctrinated, they are far from being educated. Sadly, only 37% of American high school graduates are proficient in reading and a dismal 24% show math proficiency, shuffling American kids low on the global list. You’re ready to make a change, but don’t think homeschooling is for you.

  • Aren’t those kids unsocialized, weird, and unable to make it in college or the real world?
  • And aren’t I too busy, too impatient, and too unexperienced to teach my own kids?

No! Don’t believe the lies and misconceptions about homeschooling that are rampant in our culture! Instead read the truth about what it takes to homeschool.

Spoiler alert: You’ve got it! (If this impatient, ADD, mysophoniac can do it, then you can too.)

the podcast

Home is Where the
Truth Is

Parenting, homeschooling, trying to live a healthy, holy life…this mix can be gruelling! If we don’t laugh, we’ll cry. Well, never mind, I actually do cry quite a bit. But we laugh even more! Join us for some tips on teaching your kids the faith, and relatable stories so you can see that you’re actually not doing so bad (compared to the Jemisons, at least).

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Packed with research, expert knowledge, and homeschooling best practices, consider this the handbook to get you started on an amazing adventure.



Home is Where the Truth is Podcast: We want to open parents’ eyes to see that when they are their kids’ leading influencers, they can teach them that there is absolute truth and how to defend it.


Maeve is available to speak on topics, such as tools for homeschool success, raising Catholics who understand and are ready to defend their faith, and the nefarious history of compulsory education. 


Here you’ll find encouragement to start your family on a great adventure while instilling in them the love of learning! This free guide will teach you how to get started in just three simple steps.


Packed with research, expert knowledge, and homeschooling best practices, consider this the handbook to get you started on an amazing adventure.



Home is Where the Truth is Podcast: We want to open parents’ eyes to see that when they are their kids’ leading influencers, they can teach them that there is absolute truth and how to defend it.


Maeve is available to speak on topics, such as tools for homeschool success, raising Catholics who understand and are ready to defend their faith, and the nefarious history of compulsory education. 


Here you’ll find encouragement to start your family on a great adventure while instilling in them the love of learning! This free guide will teach you how to get started in just three simple steps.

the BOOK

Home is Where the
Truth Is

Packed with research, expert knowledge, and homeschooling best practices, consider this the handbook to get you started on an amazing adventure. Ahead of you awaits a family bond you never imagined possible and the role of primary guide for your child down the path God created them for. Even though it starts in your living room, this mission will be far-reaching. At the very least, your impact will be felt down to your grandchildren’s generation. At most, to all of eternity.