About Maeve

Maeve is a mother of five who knows that her life’s greatest calling is being Mat’s wife. Thanks to his hard work and the Lord’s blessing, she can homeschool the kids. That’s not quite a cakewalk for an impatient mysophoniac with severe ADD. But it’s certainly an adventure. Her life’s mission is to teach her kids to know The Way, The Truth, and the Life, Jesus Christ. For fun, Maeve loves beating Mat in a workout, laughing at his jokes, and trying to make others laugh. Indeed, when one of her jokes lands, time stands still, and she feels a glimpse of Heaven. 

10 Fun Things About Me:

1. I love Jesus and try to honor him with the talents he’s given me. I know that I can do nothing apart from him and since I realized his saving grace, I’ve been filled with a vigor for sharing it with others. It doesn’t matter if you’re the person sitting next to me on the plane, or a hitchhiker (In my younger, more adventurous years), if you get a few moments alone in conversation with me, we are going to talk about Jesus. My life’s goals are getting my kids to heaven. (Well, I know that it’s not me getting them there, it’s the grace of God) But I am going to do everything in my power with this time on earth to get them to know him and live according to his statutes. If you’ve decided to raise your children without his help, then I will probably get real annoying, real quick.

2. I wasn’t always a good girl. I abominated going to mass so I renounced my catholic faith as a teen and lived a selfish, self-medicated life through my mid-twenties. Lots of fun was had and even more mistakes were made. But I had to learn the hard way that a life without Jesus is one of misery, suffering, and emptiness.

3. Hey, it wasn’t totally my fault, my frontal lobe took forever to develop due to my severe, untreated ADD. I inherited misophonia from my mom (which is being triggered by small sounds like slurping, smacking, or the voice of Gonzo from Muppet Babies) And in my adult years, I’ve developed generalized anxiety. You’ll be proud of me to know that I manage all that with healthy living, Brain.fm, intermittent sobriety, and (again) Jesus’ help. 

4. Mat and I have been married for 18 years, and he scoffs when I tell him that I love him more every day. He doesn’t think that’s possible. But I know it is! He’s tan, strong, and my security. He helped me raise my first child and we added four more to the roster. We got our basketball team!

5. I love playing sports! You’re reading the bio of a team member of the 1992 (or 93, I can’t remember) Florida High School Cross Country State Champs. I’ve played basketball since fifth grade and learned how to surf at age 25. I qualified for the Boston Marathon 14 weeks pregnant, with my son Dash (see what I did there?) And ran my personal best marathon time of 3:26:24 in Boston. Mat and I love to Crossfit together and we are convinced that it’s slowed our aging process to a crawl and ignited our love, passion for one another, and our competitive spirit.

6. As if I needed a boost to my competitiveness. I am savage. I don’t care what it is, or if I have the slightest chance to win. I want in! Once when I was in pre-op for surgery, I asked the anesthesiologist out of all his patients that day who had the lowest resting heart rate. That’s right, Booya! Right here, 42 BPM baby! I’ve made competitions out of egg dying at Easter (as a grown woman), and don’t even get me around my brothers. Last Thanksgiving we had some push-up and pistol (one-legged squats) contests. I didn’t win any of those, but Mat did, so yeah, little bros—Eat that!  

7. Having an uncommon name was a gift for which I am immensely grateful to my parents, and one that I wanted to give to my kids. Naming your kid after some boring ol’ saint—trite! Over my pregnancies, I read literally every single name in multiple baby name books bringing my high score to 100,000 names. I found some awesome ones! At least that’s what everyone tells me when I introduce my kids all at once. I won’t share them here in the interest of privacy. But I will give you a parenting pro tip, do not name your child after a volcano—because their temper might just be volatile. (Hm, just now realizing that maybe I should’ve named them after saints.) 

8. I love to dance. Although it’s not something I get to do a lot and I never had any formal training, unless you count line dancing lessons at the River Ranch campgrounds in 2021. I love to get down! It could be at a wedding, listening to live music, or learning a dance from YouTube with the kids (the Electric Slide is an important life skill people!). I don’t care how many rosaries I pray, and how holy I try to be, if I’m at a party and the DJ plays some 90s hip-hop music, I will drop it like it’s hot. (Which Mat likes.) I’m sorry Lord, I try to resist, but I’m weak.  

9. Fashion is my passion. Literally, my earliest memory is one where I put a matching outfit together as a three-year-old. Whether it’s layering items of decor in a room in my home, or accessorizing an outfit with the perfect shoes, God gave me a knack for it. It truly is the most fun creative outlet that I know. 

10. I pretty much only read non-fiction and if I have to watch a movie, it better be based on a true story or a riveting documentary about Catholic apologetics or Killer Algae.

About Maeve

Maeve is a mother of five who knows that her life’s greatest calling is being Mat’s wife. Thanks to his hard work and the Lord’s blessing, she can homeschool the kids. That’s not quite a cakewalk for an impatient mysophoniac with severe ADD. But it’s certainly an adventure. Her life’s mission is to teach her kids to know The Way, The Truth, and the Life, Jesus Christ. For fun, Maeve loves beating Mat on the Metcon workouts. You can also find her laughing at his jokes and trying to make others laugh. Indeed, when one of her jokes lands, time stands still, and she feels a glimpse of Heaven. 

10 Fun Things About Me:

1. I love Jesus and try to honor him with the talents he’s given me. I know that I can do nothing apart from him and since I realized his saving grace, I’ve been filled with a vigor for sharing it with others. It doesn’t matter if you’re the person sitting next to me on the plane, or a hitchhiker (In my younger, more adventurous years), if you get a few moments alone in conversation with me, we are going to talk about Jesus. My life’s goals are getting my kids to heaven. (Well, I know that it’s not me getting them there, it’s the grace of God) But I am going to do everything in my power with this time on earth to get them to know him and live according to his statutes. If you’ve decided to raise your children without his help, then I will probably get real annoying, real quick.

2. I wasn’t always a good girl. I abominated going to mass so I renounced my catholic faith as a teen and lived a selfish, self-medicated life through my mid-twenties. Lots of fun was had and even more mistakes were made. But I had to learn the hard way that a life without Jesus is one of misery, suffering, and emptiness.

3. Hey, it wasn’t totally my fault, my frontal lobe took forever to develop due to my severe, untreated ADD. I inherited misophonia from my mom (which is being triggered by small sounds like slurping, smacking, or the voice of Gonzo from Muppet Babies) And in my adult years, I’ve developed generalized anxiety. You’ll be proud of me to know that I manage all that with healthy living, Brain.fm, intermittent sobriety, and (again) Jesus’ help. 

4. Mat and I have been married for 18 years, and he scoffs when I tell him that I love him more every day. He doesn’t think that’s possible. But I know it is! He’s tan, strong, and my security. He helped me raise my first child and we added four more to the roster. We got our basketball team!

5. I love playing sports! You’re reading the bio of a team member of the 1992 (or 93, I can’t remember) Florida High School Cross Country State Champs. I’ve played basketball since fifth grade and learned how to surf at age 25. I qualified for the Boston Marathon 14 weeks pregnant, with my son Dash (see what I did there?) And ran my personal best marathon time of 3:26:24 in Boston. Mat and I love to Crossfit together and we are convinced that it’s slowed our aging process to a crawl and ignited our love, passion for one another, and our competitive spirit.

6. As if I needed a boost to my competitiveness. I am savage. I don’t care what it is, or if I have the slightest chance to win. I want in! Once when I was in pre-op for surgery, I asked the anesthesiologist out of all his patients that day who had the lowest resting heart rate. That’s right, Booya! Right here, 42 BPM baby! I’ve made competitions out of egg dying at Easter (as a grown woman), and don’t even get me around my brothers. Last Thanksgiving we had some push-up and pistol (one-legged squats) contests. I didn’t win any of those, but Mat did, so yeah, little bros—Eat that! 

7. Having an uncommon name was a gift for which I am immensely grateful to my parents, and one that I wanted to give to my kids. Naming your kid after some boring ol’ saint—trite! Over my pregnancies, I read literally every single name in multiple baby name books bringing my high score to 100,000 names. I found some awesome ones! At least that’s what everyone tells me when I introduce my kids all at once. I won’t share them here in the interest of privacy. But I will give you a parenting pro tip, do not name your child after a volcano—because their temper might just be volatile. (Hm, just now realizing that maybe I should’ve named them after saints.)

8. I love to dance. Although it’s not something I get to do a lot and I never had any formal training, unless you count line dancing lessons at the River Ranch campgrounds in 2021. I love to get down! It could be at a wedding, listening to live music, or learning a dance from YouTube with the kids (the Electric Slide is an important life skill people!). I don’t care how many rosaries I pray, and how holy I try to be, if I’m at a party and the DJ plays some 90s hip-hop music, I will drop it like it’s hot. (Which Mat likes.) I’m sorry Lord, I try to resist, but I’m weak. 

9. Fashion is my passion. Literally, my earliest memory is one where I put a matching outfit together as a three-year-old. Whether it’s layering items of decor in a room in my home, or accessorizing an outfit with the perfect shoes, God gave me a knack for it. It truly is the most fun creative outlet that I know.

10. I pretty much only read non-fiction and if I have to watch a movie, it better be based on a true story or a riveting documentary about Catholic apologetics or Killer Algae.