About Us

Home is Where the Truth Is Podcast

Our Goals and Vision

We envision a world where kids don’t spend 25 hours a week on TikTok, and they aren’t posting selfies in inappropriate outfits and twerking at age 9. That’s going to require parenting, and parenting is HARD. Our goal is to encourage parents to be the number one influencer in their children’s lives by teaching the faith to their kids. Using humor and wisdom, we also want to smash the misconceptions and fears holding parents back from an incredible parenting adventure- homeschooling. I pray that everyone who can at least try homeschooling will get the courage to do it. When we entrust our children’s education to the Lord through homeschooling the whole family’s faith will grow! Our prayer is that more families will flourish when they remove their kids from a system that indoctrinates them with a secular agenda and is hellbent on hyper-sexualizing and dumbing them down.

Our Story

Maeve and Mat got married in 2005 and are raising a family of five kids. They attend St. Peters Catholic Church and have been home-educating for 14 years using different styles, curricula, and methods as their kids grow. While prioritizing their faith by attending mass every Sunday and resting on the Sabbath, the other six days of the week are filled with a flurry of activities,
including managing their careers, attending their kids’ sports events, writing, homeschooling, and traveling. Maeve and Mat also run the podcast Home Is Where The Truth Is, which allows them some alone time (bow-chicka-wow-wow) while putting love, encouragement, humor, and good vibes into the world.

Meet The Hosts

Mat is a supportive husband who does whatever he can to help his wife and kids thrive as they work toward their goals. Whether putting in forty hours a week at a stressful job, carting kids to practice, or entertaining the littles while Maeve holes up in the home office, he counts it all joy. His whole driving force is to provide for his family while guiding his children on the right path. He’s also one of the most muscular dudes at his Crossfit gym, and you can occasionally find his name at the top of the leaderboard despite being twice some of those guys’ age.

Maeve is a mother of five who knows that her life’s greatest calling is being Mat’s wife. Thanks to his hard work and the Lord’s blessing, she can homeschool the kids. That’s not quite a cakewalk for an impatient mysophoniac with severe ADD. But it’s certainly an adventure. Her life’s mission is to teach her kids to know The Way, The Truth, and the Life, Jesus Christ. For fun, Maeve loves beating Mat on the Metcon workouts. You can also find her laughing at his jokes and trying to make others laugh. Indeed, when one of her jokes lands, time stands still, and she feels a glimpse of Heaven. 

Home is where the truth is podcast